




Summaries and slides

Google Cloud Firestore - Lightning talk (2017)

A short (high level) introduction to Google Cloud Firestore, why it is useful, and how it is different from Firebase Realtime Database. Followed by a discussion.


Data binding on Android (2017)

Data binding is not yet widely used by Android developers, and those who do use it seem to limit themselves to just replacing findViewById. However, the possibilities of data binding are endless, and with the right architecture, your code can be much cleaner and a lot easier to understand.

This talk begins with explaining the basics of data binding, and then quickly moves on to more advanced techniques/functions.


Understanding Gradle for Android (2015-2016)

As a Gradle enthusiast, it pains me to see that Android developers do not understand how Gradle works, even if it could make their work significantly easier. Gradle is capable of a lot more than just building your Android apps or libraries. You can automate every aspect of your build process: versioning, APK renaming and shrinking, generating test reports, …

Slides (2016) Slides (2015)

Architecting Android apps (2015)

A short talk about a way to architect apps with the help of some libraries. The demo app is an app that actually will be published to Google Play in a few weeks, so all code is real world code. Testability will also be discussed. The idea is that you walk away from the talk with some inspiration for putting apps together.


Retrofit for beginners (2014)

Sharing my experiences with setting up Retrofit to consume RESTful APIs on Android.


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Android Performance - Analyzing and Optimizing Your Apps (2014)

Most Android phones are lightweights compared to the good old desktops and laptops we used to develop for. On top of that they also have a limited battery life. Keeping the memory footprint of an app low is one the more important tasks of a mobile developer. In this talk we’ll look at some simple optimization tricks, then get into some more advanced analysis and solutions based on the resulting knowledge.


Introduction to Gradle and Android Studio (2014)

Are you sick of Eclipse and Ant, but you don’t want to write your code in Notepad and build everything manually? Last year Google introduced Android Studio and embraced Gradle as the default build system for Android, so let’s see what it’s all about.

In this short introduction we’ll see how to use Android Studio to create a new project that builds with Gradle, how to convert an existing project to Gradle, how to maintain different build types and how to add actions to your build. We’ll also see how Android Studio can improve your daily workflow and make you a little more productive.
